My Book Cover Illo
Chapter spot
Spot 2
One More Spot
Space Guy
Card Bored?
You're Such A Card!
Duct Soup
Dead Again
Hands Up!
Over There
Sink Hole
Good Morning, Good Morning:
Maybe I’m amazed. Tell me why? It’s because, eight days a week, I carry that weight of my new book, Starting Your Career as An Illustrator! Oh, darling, from me to you, it's at a bookstore near you (or Amazon). Wait—I want to tell you to look for it now, as tomorrow never knows; it just may be your ticket to ride.
You know my name (look up the number). Call me anytime at all.
Oh, can you correctly tell me what goes on with the Beatles song titles all helter skelter here? Should you succeed, you just may get a prize—I'm down with that. But remember—think for yourself!
P.S. And in the end I love you—yesterday and today.