Pittsburgh Society of Illustrators


Tom Gallovich

I have been drawing and painting the great outdoors for as long as I can remember. My need for accurate reference introduced me to photography. I quickly found this form of art to be challenging and thought provoking. The experience of creating a strong design on a blank canvas is an advantage to better understand photographic composition. Now when I hike the trails I often look for the unique designs of nature. Colors, shapes, and weather may create a classic landscape. Patterns and close-ups may reveal an abstract unknown to the passerby. Selecting the right equipment and exposure combinations will emphasize my subject.
Using a graphic arts monitor I often return to to my drawing and painting skills in the post-production. Free-hand accents will complete the creative process and make the design concept my own. My goal is to present an image that will capture and hold the viewers attention. I wrote a book about my experience Power Composition – Develop Your Artistic Eye. I end the book with a personal quote “To master composition is to understand the way people think” Tom Gallovich. The title of the book is based off of my name Tom Gallovich Artistic Photography.


Vandergrift, Pennsylvania 15690


  • Nature
  • Book


  • Acrylics
  • Animals
  • Architectural
  • Botanical
  • Digital Paint
  • Education
  • Line Art
  • Mixed Media
  • Oils
  • Pen and Ink
  • Watercolor